Jane Austen's House at Chawton
Jane Austen
Jane Austen, one of the world's most famous authors, spent most of her life in the historic and beautiful county of Hampshire in the south of England.
As part of my research project I have been studying her life and works, plus her fashion, style and her home here in Hampshire ( this was made easy for me as it's also my home county!) Researching Jane's life has been absolutely fascinating!
As July 18th 2017 marked the bicentenary of Jane Austen's death, I spent many months previous to this researching and watercolor painting items that represent Jane - her most favorite items, her quotes, her books, her pastimes, her likes and dislikes and hobbies. Using these watercolor paintings I created items which I think will make excellent gifts for Jane Austen fans.
Jane Austen Tote Bag
Jane Austen Antique book socks
About Jane's favourite things...
Jane loved buying ribbons and flowers for her bonnets. She loved a good sewing party, even saying she was the best at sewing her brother's shirts.
I also created a collection of ten new fabrics and wallpapers at my Spoonflower shop to commemorate this! Plus, also find home décor there. Visit my shop at Zazzle
Jane Austen Fabric with pen and ink, ribbon, Jane Austen's shoes, cup of tea, feather, candles and many other of her favourite things. Painted in watercolor, this fabric and matching wallpaper sells at Spoonflower
Jane Austen book fabric, antique books, vintage books, retro bookshelf fabric and wallpaper from Spoonflower
Jane Austen loved to write, to read, to socialise and sew. Jane also loved eating and drinking! In one of her letters to her sister she says " You know how interesting the purchase of a new sponge cake is to me" During my research, I found that Jane would have eaten Bundt cake, for breakfast, so that is the cake I painted. They did not have baking powder in those days, so it was very labour intensive and made by whisking many eggs. So, this protein rich cake with tea was how Jane started her day. She did purchase this cake rather than make it herself, but who can blame her. I'm sure she just wanted to get on with writing.
Antique books, retro books, Jane Austen book curtains. Bibliophile
Antique books, retro books, Jane Austen book wallpaper. Bibliophile
Jane revised both Sense & Sensibility which was published in 1811 (and made Jane £140), and Pride & Prejudice, which was published in 1813. This was an instant success. All Jane's novels that appeared during her lifetime were published anonymously, merely bearing the legend "By a Lady", which was not uncommon at the time. Mansfield Park was published in 1814 and Emma in 1815. Persuasion was completed in 1816 but was not published until 1818, after Jane's death in 1817. Northanger Abbey was also published in 1818.