Hello, thankyou for visiting my page. I live on the South Cost of England with my husband and family, our dog and cat. My work is mainly inspired by the changing seasons of nature , animals and plants and nostalgia of yesteryear. I love to create art in watercolour paint and particularly enjoy creating detailed art work which you can find at https://linktr.ee/magentarosedesigns
Often I use digital software to turn my small paintings into all over patterns that are suitable for large scale products such as wallpaper or bedding, which you can buy. I really appreciate your support and love seeing your photos of creations made with my fabrics. Find my latest designs here
I love this quote by William Morris "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
Contact Magenta at magentarose@cobdenstudios.co.uk or at Instagram for possible collaborations, licensing, custom work or help and advice in ordering.